Hojas de información Information sheets
Estos son archivos .pdf que puede leer, descargar y/o imprimir; ¡Esperamos que los encuentres útiles! Háganos saber si tiene algún comentario sobre qué otra información podría ser útil.
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These are .pdf files that you can read, download and/or print (on A4 paper); we hope you find them useful! Let us know if you have any comments on what other information might be helpful.
(Note: the .pdf file may be displayed on screen or may simply download itself straight away, when you click on one of the links below, depending on your browser settings.)
- Consejos para sembrar semillas con éxito
Sowing seeds successfully - El Jardín de Semillas del Principiante
Planning - the beginner seed saver's garden (cross-pollination guide) - What to plant when - sowing and transplanting calendar guide for around Órgiva. Based on experience but your microclimate may vary!
- Conservación de semillas: conceptos básicos (cuatro páginas A4)
Introduction to seed-saving - basic general knowledge (four A4 pages) - How to take seeds from various different species
- Using an isolation cage
- Saving tomato seeds
- Saving squash/pumpkin seeds
- Why you can't save seeds from hybrids
- Seed-saving chart (from seedmatters.org) - shows how long seeds of different species are likely to remain viable.
- Seed-saving tips (from seedmatters.org)